
SLID 2012 Treatment Area Map

The Sullivan Lake Improvement District (SLID) helps make our lake better.

The Sullivan Lake Improvement District is authorized to undertake long-term aquatic plant management as determined necessary and appropriate by its board of directors and in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. SLID helps make our lake better by:

1. to undertake research to determine the condition and development of Sullivan Lake and the water entering it and to transmit the results of the studies to the pollution control agency and other interested authorities;

2. to conduct a program of water improvement and conservation, limited to aquatic nuisance control as allowed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources;

3. to make cooperative agreements with the United States or state government or other counties or cities to effectuate authorized water and related land resource programs;

4. to take actions necessary for the administration of the lake improvement district;

5. to levy special assessments to finance implementation.

SLID helps manage curlyleaf pondweed.

Like Eurasian watermilfoil, curlyleaf pondweed is not native to the United States and often causes problems due to excessive growth. When control is necessary, herbicides and harvesting can be effective. SLID is authorized to control the growth of clurlyleaf pondweed. Learn more about curlyleaf pondweed.

Thank you SLID members.

Thanks to the efforts of the members of the LSA SLID Committee, Lake Sullivan is a cleaner lake.

Chairman: Kurt Kocur

Vice-Chairman: Ken Jensen

Secretary: Jim Hill

Treasurer: Dean Johnson

Board Member: Steve Hudak

Address: Sullivan Lake Improvement District, PO Box 52, Hillman, MN 55364

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LSA Meat Raffle at The Cave every Friday at 6:30 p.m.!