Pierz Rock, Roll & Stroll – first Thursday of each month!

Family fun for everyone! It is TOTALLY free and is a very enjoyable for all ages.  From littles to grandparents!  The event is free to those who bring their car in (and they have the chance to win prizes.. we have thousands of dollars of prizes we give away to car owners!) and it is free to those who are here just strolling and enjoying all Pierz has to offer!  There are activities for kids up and down Main Street… coin digs, free treats, I think we have a blow up

inflatable archery course in June this year… lots of fun things! We have a Poker Walk in conjunction with the event.. which is also free!!   It is just a really fun vibe. This is an event that Pierz hosts four times, from June to July. Join us!

Treat Swimmer’s Itch

swimmers-ich graphicSwimmer’s itch is a temporary skin rash that is caused by an allergic reaction to microscopic parasites that are carried by waterfowl, semi-aquatic mammals, and snails. As a part of their life cycle, these parasites are released by infected snails into the water, where they may come in contact with swimmers and burrow into their skin.

Last summer only six members participated in the PLM Swimmers’ Itch Treatment Program and a decision was made to not offer that program again this year as it was not cost effective for PLM. However, should you be interested in treating your swimming area, individual lake home owners can apply for a permit for themselves and apply the copper sulfate themselves.The application fee is $4.00. Below is a link for the application form with instructions, as well as a list of vendors where you can purchase copper sulfate to treat your lake shore for swimmers’ itch. This treatment typically falls in the second week of July. If you have any further questions, please email Audrey Kuchinsky.

Download the application.

Download a list of copper sulfate vendors.

Click here to learn more about Swimmer’s Itch from the Minnesota DNR.

LSA charitable gambling is back!

Mann Cave LogoRJs MeatsUrban-Legend-LogoProceeds from all gaming activities are a major funding source for the Lake Sullivan Association. By participating at LSA’s gaming sites, you help provide a better Lake Sullivan an its surrounding community.

Join everyone for the LSA Meat Raffle at The Mann Cave every Friday at 6:30 p.m.

Please patronize our LSA gaming site partners – The Mann Cave, Urban Legend, and RJ’s Meats – and tell them “thank you for supporting LSA”!

UPDATE! LSA Landing Ambassador Report

May-July. The Lake Sullivan Association Ambassadors assist watercraft owners on weekends and holidays as they enter and leave the lake to ensure they don’t spread invasive species. Along with helping boaters protect our lake they collect valuable data points regarding lake traffic which are presented in charts and graphs, These reports will be updated monthly through September when the program shuts down for the season. Click on the link below to view the report.

2019 LSA Ambassador Report MAY-JUL


Lake Sullivan water quality testing

Lake Sullivan Association has been submitting water samples and testing water clarity since 2008. Steve Pavelka, our tester, recently completed his sampling for this year and all samples have been submitted to RMB Environmental Laboratories. RMB provided the data for the following reports showing how Lake Sullivan is faring during the testing and how we compare with other Morrison County Lakes. You can explore the topic further with Primer on Lake Limnology and preparing your own reports with their Lakes Database.

Sullivan Secchi Disk 2008-2017

View/download reports:

Lake Testing Explanation

Morrison County Summary Table 2016-2017

Lake Sullivan Chlorophyl 2008-2017

Lake Sullivan Phosophorus 2008-2017

Lake Sullivan Secchi Disk 2008-2017

Study identifies hundreds of impaired Minnesota lakes and streams – including Lake Sullivan

LSA ImpairedScientists have identified pollution in hundreds of additional Minnesota lakes and streams.

The new update comes as the state is partway through a 10-year project to monitor water quality in all 80 Minnesota watersheds. Every two years, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announces results from another round of monitoring.

With the new additions, there are just under 3,000 total lakes and stream segments marked as impaired in some way across Minnesota.

“It’s essentially a running accounting of where we’ve found problems across the state and the nature of those problems,” said Shannon Lotthammer, director of MPCA’s environmental analysis and outcomes division. “We need to identify them as impaired so we can come up with a plan for fixing the problem.”

Generally speaking, Minnesota’s waters are cleanest in the northeastern part of the state and are least clean in the southwest. Population density, development, industry and agriculture can all contribute to a lake’s or stream’s impairment.

MPCA is three-quarters of the way through its first 10-year cycle of assessments, paid for by the Legacy Amendment voters approved in 2008. Early next decade, scientists will start the cycle over again, revisiting waters they examined in past years.

The new additions for the 2016 update were concentrated in a few parts of the state: a cluster of watersheds in south-central Minnesota, another cluster in north-central Minnesota, and a cluster by the Red River in the northwestern part of the state.


  • There are just under 3,000 total lakes and stream segments marked as impaired in some way across Minnesota.
  • Added in 2016 were watersheds clusters in south-central and north-central Minnesota, and by the Red River in northwest Minnesota.
  • Some of the impaired lakes have dangerous toxic chemicals; others are perfectly safe to swim in but have damaged ecosystems.
  • Bigger list doesn’t mean pollution is getting worse. Rather, state hadn’t surveyed most of these rivers and lakes before.

Click here to read the article and view the interactive map.

By DAVID MONTGOMERY | dmontgomery@pioneerpress.com

PUBLISHED: July 13, 2016 at 6:00 am | UPDATED: July 13, 2016 at 10:26 am

Lake Sullivan Ice Out History

Lake Sullivan’s ice out date for 2020 was April 9th. The definition of lake ice-out varies from lake to lake, and individual to individual. For some, ice out occurs only when the lake is completely free of ice. For others, ice out is defined as the moment when navigation is possible from point A to point B. And yet for others, ice out is when 90 percent of the lake is ice free.

Lake Sullivan:
Median ice out date: April 19
Earliest ice out date: March 19, 2012
Latest ice out date: April 29, 1996
Period of record: 1989 to 2014

Click here to view the Ice Out dates for Minnesota Lakes.

Lake Sullivan Weather

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Upcoming Events – Click On The Event For More Details

There are no upcoming events at this time.

LSA Meat Raffle at The Cave every Friday at 6:30 p.m.!