
Common loon

Common loon

Observe nature at Lake Sullivan

Lake Sullivan features a wide variety of wildlife including loons, bears, eagles and more.


What to Look For

Be aware of loons – be aware that If you see a loon from late June to September, chances are that one or two chicks will be close by. Keep your distance!

Listen to loons – If you approach a loon and hear It start to call, this means you are too close. Move away!

Watch what loons do – If you see a loon “dancing” straight up out of the water and slapping with Its wings, It Is alarmed by your presence. Move away!

What Everyone Can Do

  • View loons from a distance;
  • Enjoy their lovely haunting calls; and
  • Give loons their space – they need solitude to breed and raise their young. Approaching too closely can Inadvertently cause adult loons to leave their nests, potentially for long periods of time, causing chilling of the eggs and failure of the nest.

Report Harassment

Harassment of wildlife Is against the law. If you see loons being harassed, report It to your local DNR office. Videotaping the event and/or recording the vessel’s registration number Is helpful.

Factors Affecting Loons

Loons are capable of adapting to a variety of conditions. However, particularly .during the breeding season, thresholds can be crossed that will cause a nest to fall or result In the death of chick or adult loons. ■

During the summer months when people are enjoying their favorite lakes, they should remember that they share the water with a variety of wildlife. Time spent to learn their behaviors and habits from a respectable distance will benefit both humans and wildlife.

Personal watercraft and motorboat operators can help significantly by staying away from the shoreline, and also keeping a sharp eye out for loons and other wildlife, while on the water; giving them a wide distance to feed and care for their young.

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LSA Meat Raffle at The Cave every Friday at 6:30 p.m.!